Fort Worth Botanic Garden - Topiaries in the Garden
The Botanical Research Institute of Texas (BRIT®) and Fort Worth Botanic Garden invites
visitors to the newest exhibit “Topiaries in the Garden,” running Oct. 16, 2020 through
Jun. 30, 2021. Featuring 12 plant-based animal shapes, such as elephants, giraffes, and
butterflies, the displays are sure to stimulate a sense of wonderment and fascination.
Feb 1, 2021 – Dec 31, 2021
Stickwork, a new structure by acclaimed artist Patrick Dougherty, is now on the grounds
as one of his site-specific artworks unique to Fort Worth. Dougherty bends, weaves, and
twines twigs and saplings into massive shelters, towers and sculptures, each as unique
as the site where it is built. Come visit the stunning exhibit today!